International Symposium on 3D Power Electronics Integration and Manufacturing

McKimmon Center
Raleigh, NC

PACKAGING is a Design Function
MANUFACTURING provides the Design Rules

If you are a power electronics designer, would you like a few new design rules to help in your physical design? With the new wide bandgap (WBG) power devices operating at orders-of-magnitude higher frequencies, are you in need of better packaging integration rules?

Welcome to the inaugural International Symposium on 3D Power Electronics Integration & Manufacturing (3D-PEIM), June 13-15, 2016, Raleigh, NC, USA. Your professional colleagues and the world’s leading Packaging and Manufacturing societies and associations are launching a symposium to bring together Designers and Manufacturers to address the future in integrated power electronics design. The Steering and Technical Committees are purposely formulated with world-class experts to represent electrical, materials and manufacturing perspectives to help us all advance into the 3D power electronics systems of the future.

Join your colleagues at the inaugural 3D-PEIM Symposium June 2016, hosted on the North Carolina State University Campus, to discuss and exchange ideas. Better, is to respond to our Call For Papers with a 3 page Abstract for review. Not an author?… We have table top exhibits for our commercial colleagues to show what is possible in packaging and manufacturing of power electronic systems.

Need more incentive to attend, present or exhibit? Our venue is different than others. This symposium is all about electrical-physical design and manufacturing, and we expect nearly everyone will have interest in “physical” circuits. Hence, besides extended dialogue sessions, lecturing speakers will have an option to discuss and show hardware during the breaks. Lastly, the Symposium will host three tutorials Monday morning to provide background and insight into many of the traditional physical design approaches and technologies.