2023 PSMA/PELS Capacitor Workshop: Choosing Capacitors to Improve Design Performance Registration

Unfortunately the 2023 PSMA/PELS Capacitor Workshop has been canceled.

The demonstration session at the 2023 Power Magnetics @ High Frequency Workshop will include demonstrators from the Capacitor Workshop. Capacitor experts will be at the workshop available to showcase new and emerging technologies and answer your questions. Topics include: How Capacitors Influence the Performance of a Flyback Converter, How More Data Helps You in Understanding Capacitors, and Different E-Caps Technologies and Where You Can Use Them. These and other interesting demonstrations as well as a full agenda of technical presentations await you at the Magnetic Workshop. I encourage you to register. 

I would like to thank all previous participants and speakers. We are looking forward to next year and know that you will be inspired by the exciting and interesting topics that will be included in the agenda for the 2024 Capacitor Workshop. 

Stay tuned.

Frank Puhane, Capacitor Workshop Chair

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