Dhawan, Satish (Yale University)

Contact and address info
Yale University, Physics Department - 522JWG
260 Whitney Avenue , PO Box 208120
New Haven, CT 06520-8120
(203) 432 3377
(203) 432 3824

Development of Powering Schemes for High Energy Physics Collider experiments. DC-DC converters capable of running in high magnetic and radiation environment and supply 1.2 Volt to the Front End Electronics. Preferred solution is commercial devices with air core inductors. When the current generations of detectors were planned, there was no consideration given to DC power distribution to the front end electronics. CERN laboratory located in Geneva, Switzerland has built a Large Hadron Collider with 2 big detectors using linear regulators with power supplies located in a safe environment at distances of ATLAS 140 meters and CMS 30 meters (50,000 amps @ 2.5 V. ) A 30% power delivery was acceptable. For the next generation of detector being designed with 0.13 µm lithography, the operating voltage is ~ 1.xx Volt. This results in delivery efficiency of 10%. We are working on delivering power at x10 higher voltage and propose to use DC-DC Converters on the same PCB as the FE ASIC chips. These have to operate in radiation of up to 100 Mrads, magnetic fields of 5T and produce very low noise. We explore commercial (COTS) technology for DC-DC converter Chips suitable for use with air core inductors. The latter requirement is unique to HEP because of the high magnetic field.