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Be Sure to Have APEC 2015 in Your Travel Budget
APEC 2015

M arch may seem a long way off, but it’s not too early to start planning to attend APEC 2015. Be sure to put the dates on your calendar and include in next year’s budget. The Applied Power Electronics Conference, which will convene March 15-19, 2015 at the Charlotte North Carolina Convention Center, continues its longstanding tradition of addressing issues of immediate and long-term interest to the practicing power electronics engineer.

“This is the 30th anniversary of APEC. It all started in 1986 at the Fairmont Hotel in New Orleans with just 34 papers, 7 seminars and about 250 attendees. This year’s international gathering of power electronics professionals will fill a convention center hall setting with more than 500 papers, 18 seminars and over 4000 attendees,” says Aung Thet Tu, APEC 2015 General Chairman. “APEC 2015 will remain true to its roots, combining technical papers and presentations, exposition, professional advancement seminars, vendor seminars, and an industry sponsored social event. “

As in years past, there will also be a series of Industry Sessions. These sessions provide the opportunity for important and timely industry developments to be introduced without the extensive peer-review process required for the technical paper sessions and presentations. The target audience for the Industry Sessions differs from the attendees in typical technical sessions and may include system engineers/designers and business-oriented people such as purchasing agents, marketing technologists, regulatory agencies, and other people who support the power electronics industry. There may still be time to submit an Industry Session proposal. Check the APEC website for details (

So plan now broaden your knowledge of the latest in technology and applications while networking with other professionals in your industry. Hope to see you in Charlotte!

Provided by Greg Evans,
APEC 2014 Publicity Chair

  Greg Evans


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